Friday, May 2, 2008

Night, and Gratitude.

Computer issues kept me away and kept me from attempting to fulfill my re-newed commitment to my personal inventory. Sigh.

The Best:

I took good care of myself today...trying out a scooter that I might buy, resting, going to yoga...I had a good time with me! I also refused to lie for my husband.

The Worst:

I was grumpy with my husband this morning when he was reaching out to me.


1. I'm grateful for the cool pink scooter that I tested today. Even if I don't buy it, testing it was fun!

2. I'm grateful for milkshakes in a balmy spring night with my husband.

3. I'm grateful for being able to make my mother laugh.

4. I'm grateful, so grateful, for finally feeling a bit more financially secure.

5. I'm grateful for my sore limbs from doing yoga, and I'm glad to be getting stronger.

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